Silently within the confines of his own home, Sachio sat unwrapped in casual clothes, but with his Arm of Destruction wrapped on a mannequin in front of him. Seated in a wooden chair with a desk to his right with some special ink and a paint brush in hand, he marked his Arm of Destruction with a new sealing matrix. On both palms, for output and input, he inscribed the Fire Sealing Method matrixes on the Arm of Destruction. It'd undoubtedly come in handy should he face a Katon user any time in the future seeing as people thought he'd always be susceptible to fire since he appeared as a mummy majority of his time operating as a shinobi. There was a lot to inscribe as the matrix was quite complex, so though the matrix's focal point was on his palm, the rest of the coding went around the fingers and the palm leaving but a single empty spot for where the flames would be sealed when the time came for such a thing. The finished product had the coding all over the back of the hand of the wrappings, but they didn't interfere with any of the other matrixes pre existing on the Arm of Destruction, so Sachio was set. Looking over his work to ensure the sealing matrix was made to perfection, Sachio would do touch ups where they were needed before leaving the ink to dry undisturbed.
Fire Sealing Method Seal added to both palms of the Arm of Destruction.